Hello! It’s been a while and so glad to have you back! We did some “back-office work” here at Culpepper Communications, so we appreciate your patience. You’ll notice some changes in format, you can now comment on the post itself and I really encourage it.
Now, about this interesting word “Synergy.” What’s so special about it and why do you need to know it if you want to succeed in nearly any endeavor? Let’s start with a definition.
The word synergy means “combined action or operation. A mutually advantageous conjunction between two parties.” In simple terms, we’re talking about beneficial cooperation.
How can Synergy become one of your favorite words? There are many reasons. Here are five:
1. I believe life is a team sport where each player can make a valuable contribution to the whole.
2. I do whatever I can to make it easier for others to help me.
3. I delegate as much as possible and communicate my expectations clearly.
4. I show appreciation for the efforts of others and praise them when they do the right thing.
5. I communicate clearly with others, and consistently reach mutual understanding.
Let’s talk about them one at a time.
I believe life is a team sport where each player can make a valuable contribution to the whole.
A truly successful person isn’t above everyone else. Really, successful people actively seek the cooperation of others in reaching mutual goals. So, value everyone for who they are.
Are you trying to be the "suffering hero?"
No one can do it all and why would you want to? There is so much to be gained from others when you work together. Look for ways where you can all contribute to the same goal.
"Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them." ~ Ann Landers
Stop trying to be the solitary crusader, even Batman had Robin.
I do whatever I can to make it easier for others to help me.
It's your responsibility to make it as easy -- and as fun as possible -- for others to help you. When you do, more people will show up, and when they do, they’ll be more helpful than if you make it difficult.
First, be clear about what you want done.
Whatever you want done, whether a project at work or running a household, describe it with the greatest detail possible. Say what you mean. Then, identify and eliminate any barriers that might prevent someone from doing their best to help you.
"One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation." ~ Arthur Ashe
Prepare well and confidently ask others for help.
I delegate as much as possible and communicate my expectations clearly.
Delegation done wrong is worse than doing everything yourself. But you can multiply your productivity when you become an expert at delegating. That means asking others for help.
The way you ask and how the message is delivered can make all the difference.
We might think it takes longer to explain something than to just do it ourselves. But it’s much better than working alone and accomplishing less. The secret is to reach an agreement before the work actually starts.
"Leadership is the wise use of power. Power is the capacity to translate intention into reality and sustain it." ~ Warren Bennis
Decide exactly what needs to get done, by when, and by whom.
I show appreciation for the efforts of others and praise them when they do the right thing.
People are just more productive when they know that their efforts are acknowledged and appreciated. Praise is a small investment that pays huge dividends. Learn how to do it right and your whole world will change!
How did you feel the last time someone gave you a genuine compliment?
Remember that feeling and tell someone what a great job they’ve just done. Demonstrate an attitude of gratitude in private and in public. Give credit when something goes right.
"People see the world not as it is, but as they are." ~ Al Lee
Don't forget to reward the victories -- large and small. It will mean the world to them.
I communicate clearly with others and consistently reach mutual understanding.
Exchanging ideas from one person to another has never been an exact science. You never really understand other folks completely. And you can’t automatically expect them to understand you.
If you don’t believe me, try explaining why your favorite food is better than your friend’s favorite. Trust me, don’t let it come between you.😊
Stop the mutual mystification and get it right the first time. Just assume you don't know. Ask, listen, and clarify.
"Executive ability is deciding quickly and getting somebody else to do the work." ~ John G. Pollard
Reach Mutual agreement. And here’s an excellent resource for more detail about Synergy:
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So, there you have it! 5 ways Synergy can become your favorite word. Look at all it can do for you in life, both personally and professionally!
I’m sure this info can help you or someone you know. That’s not too hard, is it?
Maybe Culpepper Communications can help them with some quality business writing.
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How's that for easy money? We both win, how’s that for synergy?
Thanks for reading and since you reached the goal of making it to the end of this post, here's a joke for you:
Interviewer: What is your biggest strength?
Me: You tell me...
Interviewer: Delegation…?
Me: Exactly!
Synergy will definitely be in our vocabulary and in our lives to help get things done more productively. Thanks again and looking forward to the next one!
Really enjoyed this article especially with the delegating and communicating needs. Will help me at work and doing things around the house! Shows me what I need to work on. Can’t wait for the next one!