Wanna know a secret?
Doesn’t that question get your attention? I mean, who wants to be left out, not knowing what everyone else does? Or even better, how about knowing something others don’t?
C’mon, now, we all love knowing the inside scoop on that early-bird sale. And it’s so exhilarating to know the latest trick on that new phone. In fact, any advantage for a necessary task is often not common knowledge.
And the only thing better than knowing a secret…is sharing it with those you care about and who could also benefit from it!
So here are 5 simple organization hacks to make it your new best friend
The Benefits of Organization
Misconceptions about Organization
Am I Doomed to be Disorganized Forever?
Don’t Confuse Activity with Organization.
Making Permanent Changes
We all know we want to be better organized.
Who wants to spend hours looking for important files or items? Do you ever feel like, “Now that I got it all together, I forgot where I put it!” Yes, the odds are stacked against us.
Let’s examine each of these hacks one at a time
The Benefits of Organization
Organization is important because it minimizes mistakes. Following checklists for repeated important procedures helps you to avoid errors. For example, if you need to do the same task every day or week, why not create a checklist so you don't forget anything?
Repeat after me: I minimize mistakes by following checklists for important and repeated procedures
Checklists go by different names, grocery lists, to-do lists, etc. The main thing is don’t try to remember it all! Here’s another one…
Misconceptions About Organization
Being organized isn’t some mysterious talent that some are born with like freckles or dimples. It’s a skill that we all can learn and practice. Now, it’s not something that can be done in one day, but with time and patience, it can be mastered.
I believe that there are two types of people: those who love organization and those who don’t. Few of us are in the first category. So, here’s a simple trick that can help ordinary folks like us.
I create a separate folder for each new person, project, or role.
It doesn’t have to be fancy or pretty. It could be a computer file, a shoebox, or even a simple envelope. This way you will never have any trouble finding what you need when you need it.
Let’s move on to the next one.
Am I Doomed to be Disorganized Forever?
Every activity contains a series of steps that must be completed correctly to be successful.
Systemize your success. Identify the critical steps required to complete your most productive and rewarding activities. Then, create a "well-oiled machine" to automatically crank out results for you.
I create systems to help automate my most productive activities.
Now, don’t let this step stump you. Creating a system is not rocket science. Just consider the letters of the word and Save YourSelf Time, Energy, and Money.
You see what I did there? Whether through technology, delegation, or good old-fashioned planning, think the job through before starting it.
This next one is a warning…
Don’t Confuse Activity with Organization
We all have lots to do.
And if we’re not careful, we can start to think all that activity leads to organization. Remember the busy, little hamster exerting a lot of energy on his wheel, but getting nowhere? We need to focus our energy.
That’s why we need to examine our routines.
A routine is a series of actions that are performed the same way every time -- usually at the same time. Routines are good because they make sure every important action or step in a process always gets completed without fail. Make it a habit to do the right thing the right way - every time, and you'll become vastly more productive.
I use efficient routines to complete recurrent tasks as quickly as possible
Far from being tedious and boring, routines help you create enjoyable and productive habits. And this guarantees the automatic completion of critical tasks. By sticking to a routine, the important stuff is never put off or forgotten.
So, following routines reduces mistakes, stress, and the time needed to complete a task correctly. Let’s finish strong
Making Permanent Changes
Getting organized is good, staying that way is better!
We all know the feeling: the house is clean, the desk is organized, the bills are all paid… for now. By the end of the day, week, or month, we’re back where we started, a mess! How do we make permanent changes?
This is where it all comes together.
Following the first four steps can automatically complete the fifth
Once we see the benefits of organization, we can avoid all the misconceptions. Then we use checklists and folders to create systems that serve us well. These small habits become routine and before we know it, we’re organized!
It becomes our new way of doing things
And shopping online has certainly become an excellent way for many to become more organized. See the link below
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases and want my readers to save some cash too! I have some of my books on there as well. You see, my plan is to be a best-selling author soon
Just search under my name or check out a couple of them on our samples page. I need your help to reach one of my goals. Thanks!
And since you reached the goal of making it to the end of this post, here's a joke for you about organizing:
How does NASA organize a party?
They planet!
Hope this was helpful this time around and be sure to share with friends. Who knows, we may be able to help them with some quality business writing.
Here’s to your positivity!
Thanks, Chris
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Love this article! It definitely gave me some things to work on and to do an honest evaluation on myself if I’m truly organized either physically or spiritually especially with things changing on April 1st. Looking forward to the next one!